Metaverse location hifi://earth
Moderators @Adrian @Eve

Claim your free plot of land*

Introducing Stage two, over 40 large blocks with a community center.

Maybe you need a piece of land to build, or a place to test or just set up house? Claim a free homesteading plot on domain Earth today.
Suitable for new residents but open to all, you may have a domain but wish to be part of a community, please feel welcome.

Stage one (the Alpha release) proved to be quite popular. 75% of the land available was claimed within 2 weeks. Eventually all the land was claimed and we added a few more lots.

This year of Hifi development has seen a slow but steady flow of new users. We decided it was time to open a new subdivision to cater for Beta testers and users who want to grab part of the Earth community of High Fidelity.

How do I get my free land?.


*Land will remain free for as long as we can support this.
Any resident found deliberately griefing others or running malicious scripts or other unacceptable behaviour will be banned.
Please be courteous to your fellow residents
Friendly neighbour system applies. Hifi has no land parcel permission systems yet so we cant be held responsible if another resident removes objects or adds objects to your lot.
The owners and administrators of hifi://Earth are not responsible for any losses whatsoever. Hifi has no content protection systems in place. Administrators reserve the right to change the terms and conditions at any time without notice.
Recruiting: Admins and planners and creative sandboxers. Contact @Adrian if you want to be more involved.